Sunday, January 4, 2009

They warned me there'd be days like this

So today is a not so hot day. Physically, I'm doing ok - still pretty sore, still having to pay close attention to what I'm doing and so on. I spent all of yesterday downstairs sitting on the sofa, and believe it or not, sitting on the sofa can be exhausting and painful. I overdid it, should've taken a break or a nap or something.

Reading about the experiences of others can be helpful, but it's important to remember that we're all individuals and there are a lot of factors that play into how we recover. I read about a woman who went for a mile long walk into town after her LSH, and I held her up as my standard - and now I'm disappointed because I'm not in that same place, which is just dumb of me. In addition to my LSH, I also had endometriosis removed, so I'm pretty sore. I have to remember that.

I'm deliberately avoiding getting into too many nitty-gritty details about my surgery because I have not had my post-op appointment yet, so I don't have the full story, and I am have a lot of questions I want to get answers to as well.

Anyway. In addition to the physical crap, I'm dealing with a boatload of emotions. I'm all over the map right now. It isn't fun at all. I'm frustrated with my recovery, I'm panicky because my husband goes back to work and my daughter goes back to school tomorrow and I feel like life is moving ahead and I'm not going to be able to keep up. I'm mad that it's snowy and icy so I can't safely go for a walk around the block, which is what I'd love to do.

And mostly, right now, I am so angry at endometriosis. I am angry at the needless suffering and the lack of awareness that leads to that needless suffering. And I'm angry that my daughter is at ten times the risk of developing this horrible disease because of stupid genetics.


Onward and upward.

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