Sunday, December 28, 2008

Day 3, 4 and 5

Let's see... day three was all about frustration and weepiness. My hormones were apparently going a little nutso, and by the afternoon just about everything made me cry. I'm not a big fan of damp, weepy females so this was not a good place to be.

Fortunately, day four brought greatness - I woke up feeling about 50 times better than I had been. Apparently my surgeon wasn't kidding when he advised, "You're going to feel pretty awful for the first three days, and then things will start to look up."

My swelling has gone way down, revealing some impressive bruises. And it turns out that I do not have steri-strips, but have stitches instead. Annoyingly enough, one of them is poking up and snagging everything it can, which it turn yanks the incision and makes me yelp. Fun!

I am starting to feel more human, and that is a wonderful thing. Yesterday morning I stepped out onto our front porch - the first fresh air since my hysterectomy on Tuesday. It was wonderful.

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