Thursday, December 25, 2008

Second day post-hysterectomy

This has been a very full day. I didn't over-do things today, but I came as close as you can get.

The good news... my belly is not nearly as swollen. Yesterday I looked to be in the second trimester; today it's just a slightly swollen potbelly. Not bad at all.

I took off my bandages today, and discovered that the left side incision hurts so much because it's way bigger than the others and has been bleeding. Am making a notation to ask my doctor about that at my follow-up appointment - I'm imagining that's the side they did the extraction on.

I also got to take a shower today, so I feel slightly more like myself.

But today, on day two, the name of my pain is Gas. They warn you about this beforehand, but you don't quite grasp the seriousness of it in your pre-surgery state. It's like seeing those big yellow signs on the side of the road warning of moose crossings - you think, oh, yes, I'll keep an eye out, how picturesque and exciting! And then suddenly you come within inches of hitting something gargantuan and hairy, this steaming ball of heat that dwarfs than your car, and you swerve wildly and think, Holy Crap, there are moose on this road! That pretty much is what the whole post-hysterectomy gas experience is like.

At that point you send your wonderful husband out to buy Gas-X. And it is good.

In other potentially less embarrassing news (well, embarrassing for you, perhaps - I don't shame easily), I'm also running a slight fever. My magic number is 100.4 - anything lower than that is not reason to freak out, and so we are freak-out free today.

And that's where we are today.

1 comment:

  1. uuuuugh, i remember the gas bit from my laps, but mine was more from the gas they use to inflate you to get a clear view. i apparently have nice reaction to that, and it decided to settle up in my chest and shoulders and convince me i was going to die for the next 4 days. . . if i find out gas-x would have helped for that, i'm going to feel like an idiot.

    glad to hear you didn't push yourself too much yesterday. remember you ma be bored, but resting is good for healing ju-ju.
