Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Six weeks today

It's hard to believe that at this time six weeks ago I was in the recovery room after my hysterectomy.

Pain-wise, I'm doing very well - only a few twinges if I overdo. I'm still easily tired. We had a big event Saturday that completely wiped me out, and I spent all of Sunday on the couch exhausted.

I'm even thinking of heading into the gym next week - nothing strenuous, just a slow walk on the treadmill! I'd rather take my time now than set myself back by overextending myself.

The best part - my adenomyosis pain is gone. No more sharp stabbing pains, no more feeling like a red hot cannonball is lodged in my pelvis.



  1. I'm really enjoying reading about your progress! It's making me feel better about coming to a decision about surgery. Thanks for sharing!
