Monday, January 26, 2009

Another milestone

Four weeks and five days after my hysterectomy, the stitch on my left incision has finally fallen out. Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking, Big deal, so what?

The incision on my left side was taking much longer to heal. When I was moving from the gurney to the comfy chair in the recovery area, I managed to rip the stitch on that side - so instead of having a little 5 cm incision, I have a 20 cm gash. The stitch was hanging on on my left side because there was so much more healing to do there. It was also snagging on everything I wore and was very tender - so I am incredibly relieved to see it go.

I also took a big step forward today, quite literally - I walked my daughter to school for the first time in almost two months. It's only about four or five blocks, all told, but it was absolutely too much for me until today.

So hooray for progress!

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